Journal editor
[since 2022 with Nina-Kristin Meister] Linguistische Berichte (2014 ff.). >> further information
(2014): Volume 237, 238, 239, 240
(2015): Volume 241, 242, 243, 244
(2016): Volume 245, 246, 247, 248
(2017): Volume 249, 250, 251, 252
(2018): Volume 253, 254, 255, 256
(2019): Volume 257, 258, 259, 260
(2020): Volume 261, 262, 263, 264
(2021): Volume 265, 266, 267, 268
(2022): Volume 269, 270, 271, 272
(2023): Volume 273, 274, 275, 276
(2024): Volume 277, 278, 279, 280
Series editor
[with Annika Herrmann and Ulrike Zeshan] (2011-2020) / [with Annika Herrmann] (2021 ff.): Sign Languages and Deaf Communities (SLDC). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton and Ishara Press. >> further information
Volume 1: Meurant, Sinte, Van Heereweghe and Vermeerbergen (2013): Sign Language Research and Practices. Crossing Views on Theoretical and Applied Sign Language Linguistics; Volume 2: Herrmann (2013): Modal Particles and Focus Particles in Sign Languages; Volume 3: Mohr-Militzer (2014): Mouth Actions in Sign Languages. An Empirical Study of Irish Sign Language; Volume 4: Branchini (2014): On Relativization and Clefting: An Analysis of Italian Sign Language; Volume 5: Barberà Altimira (2015): The Meaning of Space in Sign Language. Reference, Specificity and Structure in Catalan Sign Language Discourse; Volume 6: Pfau, Steinbach and Herrmann (2016): A Matter of Complexity. Subordination in Sign Languages; Volume 7: Plaza-Pust (2016): Bilingualism and Deafness. On Language Contact in Bilingual Acquisition of Sign Language and Written Language; Volume 8: Mantovan (2017): Nominal Modification in Italian Sign Language; Volume 9: Lackner (2017): Linguistic Functions of Head and Body Movements in Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS); Volume 10: Kimmelman (2018): Information Structure in Sign Languages. Evidence from Russian Sign Language and Sign Languages of the Netherlands; Volume 11: Müller de Quadros (2020): Brazilian Sign Language Studies; Volume 12: Kusters, Green, Moriarty and Snoddon (2020): Sign Language Ideologies in Practice; Volume 13: Pendzich (2020): Lexical Nonmanuals in German Sign Language; Volume 14: Pfau, Göksel and Herrmann (2021): Our Lives - Our Stories: Life Experiences of Elderly Deaf People; Volume 15: Oomen (2021): Iconicity and Verb Agreement. A Corpus-based Syntactic Analysis of German Sign Language; Volume 16: Trovato and Folchi (2022): The Social Condition of Deaf People. The Story of a Woman and a Hearing Society; Volume 17: Fornasiero (2023): Evaluative Constructions in Italian Sign Language (LIS). A Multi-theoretical Analysis; Volume 18: Veiga Busto (2023): Person and Number: An Empirical Study of Catalan Sign Language Pronouns.
[with Jörg Meibauer] (2005-2023) / [with Jörg Meibauer and Martin Neef] (2024 ff.): Kurze Einführungen in die germanistische Linguistik (Kegli). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter. For further information. >> further information
Volume 1: Fuhrhop (2005): Orthografie; Volume 2: Scherer (2006): Korpuslinguistik; Volume 3: Rathert (2006): Sprache und Recht; Volume 4: Schwarz-Friesel and Skirl (2007): Metapher; Volume 5: Rothstein (2007): Tempus; Volume 6: Musan (2008): Satzgliedanalyse; Volume 7: Thieroff and Vogel (2009): Flexion; Volume 8: Wöllstein (2010): Topologisches Satzmodell; Volume 9: Musan (2010): Informationsstruktur; Volume 10: Noack (2010): Phonologie; Volume 11: Bredel (2011): Interpunktion; Volume 12: Primus (2012): Semantische Rollen; Volume 13: Vogel (2012): Sprachgeschichte; Volume 14: Averintseva-Klisch (2013): Textkohärenz; Volume 15: Ferraresi (2014): Grammatikalisierung; Volume 16: Peters (2014): Intonation; Volume 17: Müller (2014): Modalpartikeln; Volume 18: Peterson (2015): Sprache und Migration; Volume 19: Becker and Stude (2017): Erzählen; Volume 20: Szigeti (2017): Derivation; Volume 21: Sahel (2018): Kasus. Volume 22: Pafel (2020): Referenz. Volume 23: Selmani (2020): Adjektiv; Volume 24: Meibauer (2020): Sprache und Bullshit; Volume 25: Taigel (2021): Ikonizität; Volume 26: Schröter (2021): Linguistische Argumentationsanalyse; Volume 27: Hofferberth (2021): Sprachproduktion; Volume 28: Grimm and Cristante (2022): Deutsch als Zweitsprache - DaZ; Volume 29: Meibauer (2022): Hassrede; Volume 30: Neef (2023): Wortarten; Volume 31: Markewitz (2024): Ironie; Volume 32: Bergmann (2024): Namen.
[with Josep Quer, Carlo Cecchetto, Roland Pfau, Caterina Donati, Carlo Geraci and Meltem Kelepir] (2017): The SignGram Blueprint. A Guide to the Preparation of Comprehensive Reference Grammars for Sign Languages. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
[with Ruth Albert, Heiko Girnth, Annette Hohenberger, Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer, Jörg Meibauer, Monika Rothweiler and Monika Schwarz-Friesel] (2007): Schnittstellen der germanistischen Linguistik. Stuttgart: Metzler Verlag. >> further information
[with Roland Pfau] (2006): Modality-Independent and Modality-Specific Aspects of Grammaticalization in Sign Languages. Linguistik in Potsdam 24. Potsdam: Universitäts-Verlag.
[with Jörg Meibauer, Ulrike Demske, Jochen Geilfuß-Wolfgang, Jürgen Pafel, Karl Heinz Ramers and Monika Rothweiler] (2002): Einführung in die germanistische Linguistik. Stuttgart: Metzler Verlag. (3nd edition 2015). >> further information
(2002): Middle Voice: A Comparative Study of the Syntax-Semantics Interface of German. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
[with Hans Altmann and Jörg Meibauer] (eds.) (2013): Satztypen des Deutschen. Berlin: de Gruyter.
[with Roland Pfau and Bencie Woll] (eds.) (2012): Sign Language. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Journals (special issues)
[with Nina-Kristin Meister] (2024): Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der linguistischen Forschung. Linguistische Berichte Sonderheft. Hamburg: Buske.
(ed.) (2018): Visible Meaning. Sign Languages and the Foundation of Semantics. Special Issue of Theoretical Linguistics 44, 3-4.
[with Christian Beyer and Magda Schwager] (eds.) (2014): Content, Context, and Conversation. Special Issue of Philosophical Studies 168.1.
[with Annika Herrmann] (eds.) (2011): Nonmanuals in Sign Languages. Special Issue of Sign Language and Linguistics 14.1.
[with Elke Brendel and Jörg Meibauer] (eds.) (2007): Zitat und Bedeutung. Linguistische Berichte Sonderheft. Hamburg: Buske.
Edited volumes
[with Marco Coniglio and Kalle Müller] (eds.) (in prep.): Adverbs and Particles at the Form-Meaning Interface. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
[with Sina Proske, Derya Nuhbalaoglu, Annika Herrmann and Jana Hosemann] (eds.) (2020): A Grammar of German Sign Language (DGS). Edition 1. SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammars.
[with Annika Hübl] (eds.) (2018): Linguistic Foundations of Narration in Spoken and Sign Languages. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
[with Annika Herrmann and Roland Pfau] (eds.) (2016): A Matter of Complexity: Subordinationin Sign Languages. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton and Ishara Press.
[with Annika Herrmann] (eds.) (2013): Nonmanuals in Sign Languages. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
[with Jörg Meibauer] (eds.) (2011): Experimental Pragmatics/Semantics. Amsterdam: Benjamins [with Elke Brendel and Jörg Meibauer] (eds.) (2011): Understanding Quotation. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
[with Roland Pfau] (2008): Die SprachChecker. Ein Multimediaprojekt zu Sprachbewusstsein und Mehrsprachigkeit bei Schülern. Stuttgart: Klett Verlag. For further information see
[with Miriam Butt] (eds.) (2008): Vernäht und zugeflixt! Von Versprechern, Flüchen, Dialekten & Co. Verfasst von Ilse Achilles und Gerda Pighin. Herausgegeben von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft durch Miriam Butt und Markus Steinbach. Mannheim: Duden Verlag.
[with Pamela Perniss and Roland Pfau] (eds.) (2007): Visible Variation. Comparative Studies on Sign Language Structure. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
[mit Zeming Xu] (2024): “Temporality and Causality in Asymmetric Coordination.“ In: Journal of Pragmatics 233, 35-50.
[with Cornelia Loos and Sophie Repp] (2024): "Polar Response Strategies across Modalities: Evidence from German Sign Language (DGS)." In: Language 100(3), 433-467.
[mit Thomas Finkbeiner, Nina-Kristin Meister, Annika Schniefner, Door Spruijt and Patrick C. Trettenbrein] (2024): "Der Weg zu 'DGS-LEX': Ein Umriss der kollaborativen Erstellung einer psycholinguistischen Datenbank für die Deutsche Gebärdensprache (DGS)." To appear in Linguistische Berichte.
(2023): "At-issueness across Modalities – Are Gestural Components (More) At-issue in Sign Languages?" In: Theoretical Linguistics 49(3-4), 291-304.
[with Anne Wienholz, Derya Nuhbalaoglu, Annika Herrmann, Nivedita Mani and Edgar Onea] (2023): "Neurophysiological Evidence for the First Mentioned Effect During Pronominal Reference Resolution in German Sign Language." In: Sign Language & Linguistics 26(1), 117-138.
(2023): "Angry Lions and Scared Neighbors. Complex Demonstrations in Sign Language Role Shift at the Gesture-Sign Interface." In: Linguistics 61(2), 391-416.
[with Nina-Kristin Pendzich, Jens-Michael Cramer, Thomas Finkbeiner and Annika Herrmann] (2022): "How do Signers Mark Conditionals in German Sign Language? A Sentence Reproduction Task on the Use of Nonmanual and Manual Markers." In: Croatian Review of Rehabilitation Studies 58 (special issue on sign languages), 206-226.
[with Emar Maier] (2022): "Perspective Shift across Modalities." In: Annual Review of Linguistics 8, 59-76.
[with Rehana Omardeen and Kate Mesh] (2021): "Initial Person Reference in Providence Island Sign Language." In: Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 6(1), 113, 1-39.
[with Patrick C. Trettenbrein, Nina-Kristin Pendzich, Jens-Michael Cramer and Emiliano Zaccarella] (2021): "Psycholinguistic Norms for more than 300 Lexical Signs in German Sign Language (DGS)." In: Behavior Research Methods 53, 1817-1832.
[with Jana Hosemann, Nivi Mani, Annika Herrmann and Nicole Altvater-Mackensen] (2020): "Signs Activate their Written Word Translation. An ERP Study on Cross-modal Co-activation in German Sign Language." In: Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 5(1), 57, 1-25.
[with Annika Hübl and Emar Maier] (2019): "To Shift or not to Shift. Quotation and Attraction in DGS." In: Sign Language & Linguistics 22, 171-209.
[with Josep Quer] (2019): "Handling Sign Language Data. The Impact of Modality" In: Frontiers in Psychology 10, Article 483, 1-8.
[with Roland Pfau and Martin Salzmann] (2018): "The Syntax of Sign Language Agreement. Common Ingredients but Unusual Recipe." In: Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 3(1), 107, 1-46.
[with Anne Wienholz, Derya Nuhbalaoglu, Nivedita Mani, Annika Herrmann and Edgar Onea] (2018): "Pointing to the Right Side? An ERP Study on Anaphora Resolution in German Sign Language." In: PLOS ONE 13(9), 1-19, e0204223.
[with Jana Hosemann, Annika Herrmann, Holger Sennhenn-Reulen and Matthis Schlesewsky] (2018): "Agreement or no Agreement. ERP Correlates of Verb Agreement Violations in German Sign Language." In: Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 33(9), 1-21.
(2016): "Mouthing and Demonstrating in Bimodal Contexts." In: Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 6, 824-829.
[with Edgar Onea] (2016): "A DRT-Analysis of Discourse Referents and Anaphora Resolution in Sign Language." In: Journal of Semantics 33, 409-448.
[with Roland Pfau] (2016): “Modality and Meaning. Plurality of Relations in German Sign Language.” In: Lingua 170, 69-91.
[with Josep Quer] (2015) "Ambiguities in Sign Languages." In: The Linguistic Review 32, 143-165.
[with Roland Pfau] (2013): "PERSON Climbing up a Tree (and other Adventures in Sign Language Grammaticalization)." In: Sign Language & Linguistics 16, 189-221.
[with Mailin Antomo] (2013): "Zur Semantik von Konsessivsätzen mit obwohl." In: Linguistische Berichte 236, 427-453.
[with Jana Hosemann, Annika Herrmann, Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky and Matthias Schlesewsky] (2013): "Lexical Prediction via Forward Models: N400 Evidence from German Sign Language." In: Neuropsychologia 51, 2224-2237.
(2011): "What do Agreement Auxiliaries Reveal about the Grammar of Sign Language Agreement?" In: Theoretical Linguistics 37, 209-221.
[with Annika Hübl] (2011): “Wie viel Syntax steckt in der satzinternen Großschreibung? Eine optimalitätstheoretische Analyse.” In: Linguistische Berichte 227, 255-297.
[with Mailin Antomo and Annika Hübl] (2010): “Die SprachChecker: Language Awareness, Multilingualism, and Linguistic Diversity at School.” In: SDV – Sprache und Datenverarbeitung. International Journal for Language Data Processing 34, 7-21.
[with Mailin Antomo] (2010): “Desintegration und Interpretation. Weil-V2-Sätze an der Schnittstelle zwischen Syntax, Semantik und Pragmatik.” In: Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 29, 1-37.
[with Roland Pfau] (2006): “Pluralization in Sign and in Speech: A Cross-Modal Typological Study.” In: Linguistic Typology 10, 135-182.
[with Roland Pfau] (2003): "Optimal Reciprocals in German Sign Language." In: Sign Language and Linguistics 6.1, 3-42.
[with Hans-Martin Gärtner] (2003): "What do Reduced Pronominals Reveal about the Syntax of Dutch and German? Part 1: Clause-Internal Positions." In: Linguistische Berichte 195, 257-294.
[with Hans-Martin Gärtner] (2003): "What do Reduced Pronominals Reveal about the Syntax of Dutch and German? Part 2: Fronting." In: Linguistische Berichte 196, 459-490.
[with Ralf Vogel] (1998): "The Dative - An Oblique Case." In: Linguistische Berichte 173, 65-90.
Articles in books, handbooks, working papers, manuscripts
[mit Thomas Finkbeiner, Marianthi Koraka and Nina-Kristin Meister] (2024): "Imperative Illocutionary Force Indiciating Devices in DGS." Manuscript University of Göttingen.
[with Roland Pfau] (2024): "On the Syntax of Color Adjectives in DGS and NGT: A Corpus-based Study." Submitted.
[with Patrick C. Trettenbrein, Nina-Kristin Meister, Thomas Finkbeiner, Ksenjia Slivac, Angela D. Friederici, Emiliano Zaccarella] (2024): “Modality-independent Core Brain Network for Language as Proved by Sign Language.” Submitted.
[with Cornelia Ebert and Emar Maier] (2024): "Visual Components to Interpretation - Formal Approaches to Visible Meaning." Submitted.
[with Anne Wienholz, Derya Nuhbalaoglu, Nivedita Mani and Annika Herrmann] (2024): "The Influence of Overt Localization on Referential Processing in German Sign Language." Submitted.
[with Patrick C. Trettenbrein, Matteo Maran, Jan Pohl, Thomas Finkbeiner, Emiliano Zaccarella, Angela D. Friederici and Nina-Kristin Meister] (2024): “Detection of Extraneous Visual Signals Does Not Reveal the Syntactic Structure of Sign Language.” Submitted.
[with Thomas Finkbeiner, Marianthi Koraka, Nina-Kristin Meister und Gautam Ottur] “The Grammaticalization of a Motion Verb into an Imperative Marker of in two Sign Languages.” To appear in Proceedings of Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory (FEAST) 6.
[with Cornelia Ebert] (2024): "Ideophones across Modalities?" In: Anke Himmelreich, Daniel Hole and Johannes Mursell (eds.), To the Left, to the Right, and much Inbetween: A Festschrift for Katharina Hartmann. Frankfurt am Main: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 305-317.
[with Petra Augurzky, Marion Bonnet, Richard Breheny, Alexandre Cremers, Cornelia Ebert, Clemens Mayr, Jacopo Romoli and Yasutada Sudo] (2023): "Putting Plural Definites into Context." In: Maria Onoeva, Anna Staňková and Radek Šimík (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 27, 19-32.
[with Roland Pfau] (2023): "Morphology in Sign Language: Theoretical Issues and Typological Contrasts." In: Peter Ackema, Sabrina Bendjaballah, Eulàlia Bonet and Antonio Fábregas (eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1445-1483.
[with Marco Coniglio and Katharina Paul]: (2023) "Why Artichokes and Palms don't Grow on Trees - The Grammaticalization of Question Particles from Co-speech Gesture in Sign Language." In: Natascha Pomino, Eva-Maria Remberger and Julia Zwick (eds.), From Formal Linguistic Theory to the Art of Historical Editions: The Multifacated Dimensions of Romance Linguistics. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 81-103.
(2022): "Differential Object Marking in Sign Languages? Restrictions on (Object) Agreement in German Sign Language." In: Andrew Nevins, Anita Peti-Stantic, Mark de Vos and Jana Willer-Gold (eds.), Angles of Object Agreement. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 209-240.
[with Katharina Paul, Maik Thalmann and Marco Coniglio] (2022): "Gehen as a New Auxiliary in German." In: Nicholas Catasso, Marco Coniglio and Chiara De Bastiani (eds.), Language Change at the Interface: Intersentential and Intrasentential Phenomena. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 165-187.
[with Roland Pfau] (2021): "Number in Sign Languages." In: Patricia Cabredo Hofherr and Jenny Doetjes (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 644-660.
(2021): "Role Shift - Theoretical Perspectives." In: Josep Quer, Roland Pfau and Annika Herrmann (eds.), Theoretical and Experimental Sign Language Research. London: Routledge, 351-377.
[with Cornelia Loos and Sopie Repp] (2020): "Affirming and Rejecting Assertions in German Sign Language (DGS)." In: Michael Franke, Nikola Kompa, Mingya Liu, Jutta L. Mueller and Juliane Schwab (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 24, 1-19.
[with Jana Hosemann] (2020): "Making Deaf Senior's Life Stories Visible: A Student's Exhibition." In: Roland Pfau, Asli Göksel and Jana Hosemann (eds.), Elderly Deaf Signers - Cultural, Linguistic, and Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton and Ishara Press, 45-61.
[with Jens-Michael Cramer] (2020): "Conducting Interviews with Elderly Deaf People: Opportunities and Challenges." In: Roland Pfau, Asli Göksel and Jana Hosemann (eds.), Elderly Deaf Signers - Cultural, Linguistic, and Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton and Ishara Press, 19-43.
[with Annika Mittelstädt and Jana Hosemann] (2020): “Zeig mir die Gebärdensprachen dieser Welt - Der erste linguistische Atlas für Gebärdensprachen geht online.” In: Das Zeichen 115, 302-311.
[with Hans-Martin Gärtner] (2019): "Zum Verhältnis von Satztyp- und Illokutionstypinventaren: Ein Blick auf kognitive Ansätze." In: Simon Meier-Vieracker, Lars Bülow, Frank Liedtke, Konstanze Marx and Robert Mroczynski (eds.), 50 Jahre Speech Acts - Bilanz und Perspektiven. Tübingen: Narr, 227-247.
[with Claudia Macht] (2019): "Regionalsprachliche Merkmale in der Deutschen Gebärdensprache." In: Joachim Herrgen and Jürgen Erich Schmidt (eds.), Sprache und Raum. Ein internationales Handbuch der Sprachvariation. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton, 914-935.
[with Hans-Martin Gärtner] (2018): "Szkeptikus megjegyzések a beszédaktusok és a nézópont szintaxisához." [Skeptical Remarks on the Syntax of Speech Acts and Point of View]. In: Nyelvtudományi Közlemények 114, 45-59.
[with Annika Herrmann] (2018): "Expressive Gesten - expressive Bedeutungen. Expressivität in gebärdensprachlichen Erzählungen." In: Franz d'Avis and Rita Finkbeiner (eds.), Expressivität im Deutschen. Berlin: de Gryuter, 313-337.
[with Anke Holler] (2018): "Sign Language Agreement: A Constraint-based Perspective." In: Stefan Müller and Frank Richter (eds.), Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 49-67.
[with Annika Hübl] (2018): "Approaching Narration across Modalities: Topics, Methods, Perspectives." In: Annika Hübl and Markus Steinbach (eds.), Linguistic Foundations of Narration in Spoken and Sign Languages. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1-14.
[with Sukie Brinkmann, Jens-Michael Cramer, Annika Herrmann, Jana Hosemann, Nina-Kristin Pendzich and Sina Proske] (2017): "Unser gemeinsames Erbe: Eine Dokumentation kultureller und sprachlicher Aspekte der Gebärdensprach-Gemeinschaft. Sign-Hub - Ein europäisches Projekt." In: Das Zeichen 106, 302-309.
[with Roland Pfau] (2016): "Complex Sentences in Sign Languages: Modality - Typology - Discourse." In: Roland Pfau, Markus Steinbach and Annika Herrmann (eds.), A Matter of Complexity: Subordination in Sign Languages. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton and Ishara Press, 1-35.
[with Nivedita Mani and Matthias Schlesewsky] (2016): “Gestörte und ungestörte Verarbeitung von Gebärdensprachen." In: Ulrike Domahs and Beatrice Primus (eds.), Laut - Gebärde - Buchstabe. Handbücher Sprachwissen. Berlin: de Gruyter, 302-320.
[with Roland Pfau] (2016): “Phonologischer Wandel in Gebärdensprachen." In: Ulrike Domahs and Beatrice Primus (eds.), Laut - Gebärde - Buchstabe. Handbücher Sprachwissen. Berlin: de Gruyter, 264-282.
[with Anke Holler] (2015): “Grammar in the Classroom.” In: Artemis Alexiadou and Tibor Kiss (eds.), Syntax. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2096-2127.
[with Annika Hübl] (2015): "Die Topologie der NP als Grundlage für den Erwerb der satzinternen Großschreibung." In: Angelika Wöllstein (ed.), Das Topologische Modell für die Schule. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 219-238.
[with Annika Herrmann] (2014): "SignGram - Eine Blaupause für Referenzgrammatiken in Gebärdensprache." In: Das Zeichen 96, 110-114.
[with Ester van Loon and Roland Pfau] (2014): "The Grammaticalization of Gestures in Sign Langueges." In: Cornelia Müller et al. (eds.), Body - Language - Communication. An International Handbook on Multimodality in Human Interaction. Volume 2. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton, 2133-2149.
[with Annika Hübl] (2013): "Rechtschreibung." In: Björn Rothstein and Sandra Hiller (eds.), Kernbegriffe der Sprachdidaktik Deutsch. Ein Handbuch. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 316-323.
[with Annika Herrmann] (2013): “Satztypen in Gebärdensprache.” In: Hans Altmann, Jörg Meibauer and Markus Steinbach (eds.), Satztypen des Deutschen. Berlin: de Gruyter, 786-814.
[with Anke Holler] (2013): “Satztypen in der Schule.” In: Hans Altmann, Jörg Meibauer and Markus Steinbach (eds.), Handbuch Satzarten. Berlin: de Gruyter., 902-923
[with Hans Altmann and Jörg Meibauer] (2013): “Kontroversen in der Forschung zu Satztypen und Satzmodus.” In: Hans Altmann, Jörg Meibauer and Markus Steinbach (eds.), Handbuch Satzarten. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1-19.
[with Roland Pfau and Bencie Woll] (2012): “Introduction.” In: Roland Pfau, Markus Steinbach and Bencie Woll (eds.), Sign Language. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1-3.
[with Roland Pfau and Bencie Woll] (2012): “Tense, Aspect, and Modality.” In: Roland Pfau, Markus Steinbach and Bencie Woll (eds.), Sign Language. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 186-204.
(2012): “Plurality.” In: Roland Pfau, Markus Steinbach and Bencie Woll (eds.), Sign Language. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 112-136.
[with Edgar Onea] (2012): "Where Questions, Conditionals and Topics Converge." In: Maria Aloni, Floris Roelofsen, Galit Weidman Sassoon, Katrin Schulz, Vadim Kimmelmann and Matthijs Westera (eds.), Proceedings of the 18th Amsterdam Colloquium. Heidelberg: Springer.
[with Annika Herrmann] (2012): “Quotation in Sign Languages – A Visible Context Shift.” In: Ingrid van Alphen and Isabelle Buchstaller (eds.), Quotatives: Cross-linguistic and Cross Disciplinary Perspectives. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 203-228.
[with Annika Herrmann] (eds.) (2011): "Nonmanuals in Sign Languages." In: Annika Herrmann and Markus Steinbach (eds.), Nonmanuals in Sign Languages. Special Issue of Sign Language and Linguistics 14.1, 3-8.
[with Roland Pfau] (2011): “Grammaticalization in Sign Languages.” In: Bernd Heine and Heiko Narrog (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 681-693.
[with Jörg Meibauer] (2011): “Experimental Research at the Pragmatics/Semantics Interface.” In: Jörg Meibauer and Markus Steinbach (eds.), Experimental Pragmatics/Semantics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1-18.
[with Elke Brendel and Jörg Meibauer] (2011): “Exploring the Meaning of Quotation.” In: Elke Brendel, Jörg Meibauer and Markus Steinbach (eds.), Quotation and Meaning. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1-33.
[with Annika Herrmann] (2010): “Eine neue Perspektive auf Role Shift in deutscher Gebärdensprache (DGS). Perspektivwechsel als nichtmanuelles Kongruenzphänomen.” In: Das Zeichen 84, 112-118.
[with Annika Herrmann, Jana Hosemann and Matthias Schlesewsky] (2010): “Sprache und Gehirn – Eine experimentelle Perspektive.” In: Natur & Geist. Das Forschungsmagazin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 50-53.
(2010): “Sprechende Hände. Zur Grammatik von Gebärdensprache.” In: Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio (ed.), Die Hand. Elemente einer Medizin- und Kulturgeschichte. Berlin: LIT-Verlag, 513-534.
[with Mailin Antomo] (2009): “Die SprachChecker – mit Sprache spielend Arbeiten.” In: Martin Bonsen et al. (Hg.), Unterrichtsqualität sichern – Sekundarstufe. Stuttgart: Raabe Verlag, 1-24 (Sektion G 4.3)
(2008): "Gebärdensprachen und das Gehirn: psycho- und neurolinguistische Grundlagen einer sichtbaren Sprache." In: Helmut Fink and Rainer Rosenzweig (eds.), Neuronen im Gespräch - Sprache und Gehirn. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag, 99-128.
[with Elke Brendel und Jörg Meibauer] (2007): “Aspekte einer Theorie des Zitierens.” In: Elke Brendel, Jörg Meibauer and Markus Steinbach (eds.), Zitat und Bedeutung. Linguistische Berichte Sonderheft. Hamburg: Buske, 5-25.
[with Annika Herrmann] (2007): “Wenn ich nicht ich ist. Zitieren in Gebärdensprachen.” In: Elke Brendel, Jörg Meibauer and Markus Steinbach (eds.), Zitat und Bedeutung. Linguistische Berichte Sonderheft. Hamburg: Buske, 153-179.
(2007): “Integrated Parentheticals and Assertional Complements.” In: Nicole Dehé and Yordanka Kavalova (eds.), Parentheticals. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 53-87.
[with Roland Pfau] (2007): "Grammaticalization of Auxiliaries in Sign Languages." In: Pamela Perniss, Roland Pfau and Markus Steinbach (eds.), Visible Variation. Comparative Studies on Sign Language Structure, 303-339.
[with Pamela Perniss and Roland Pfau] (2007): "Can't you See the Difference? Sources of Variation in Sign Language Structure." In: Pamela Perniss, Roland Pfau and Markus Steinbach (eds.), Visible Variation. Comparative Studies on Sign Language Structure, 1-34.
(2007): "Gebärdensprache." In: Steinbach, Markus et al.: Schnittstellen der germanistischen Linguistik. Stuttgart: Metzler, 137-185.
[with Jörg Meibauer] (2007): "Einleitung." In: Steinbach, Markus et al.: Schnittstellen der germanistischen Linguistik. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1-13.
[with Hans-Martin Gärtner] (2006): "A Skeptical Note on the Syntax of Speech Acts and Point of View." In: Patrick Brandt and Eric Fuss (eds.), Form, Structure, and Grammar. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 313-322.
[with Roland Pfau] (2005): "Relative Clauses in German Sign Language: Extraposition and Reconstruction." In: Leah Bateman and Cherlon Ussery (eds.), Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society 35 (NELS 35), Volume 2. Amherst: GLSA, 507 - 521.
[with Walter Bisang und Jörg Meibauer] (2005): "Wortarten im Gehirn?" In: Natur & Geist. Das Forschungsmagazin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 26-29.
[with Roland Pfau] (2005): "Plural Formation in German Sign Language: Constraints and Strategies." In: Helen Leuninger and Daniela Happ (eds.), Gebärdensprache. (Linguistische Berichte Sonderheft 13). Hamburg: Buske, 111-144.
[with Roland Pfau] (2005): "Backward and Sideward Reduplication in German Sign Language." In: Bernhard Hurch (ed.), Studies on Reduplication. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 569-594.
(2004): "Unaccusatives and Anticausatives." In: Artemis Alexiadou, Elena Anagnostopoulou and Martin Everaert (eds.), The Unaccusativity Puzzle: Explorations of the Syntax-Lexicon Interface. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 181-206.
[with Roland Pfau] (2004): "Wie du mir, so ich dir: Reziprokkonstruktionen in DGS." In: Das Zeichen, 74-84.
[with Roland Pfau] (2004): "An Optimality-Theoretic Account of German Sign Language Pluralization." In: Brian Agbayani, Vida Samiian und Benjamin V. Tucker (Hgg.), Proceedings of the Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL), Volume 15. Fresno: Linguistics Department, California State University, 234-245.
[with Roland Pfau] (2003): "A Constraint-Based Analysis of Reciprocals in German Sign Language." In: Proceedings of the Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL), Volume 13. Fresno: Linguistics Department, California State University, 313-326.
(2002): "Semantik." In: Meibauer, Jörg et al. (2002): Einführung in die germanistische Linguistik. Stuttgart: Metzler, 162-207.
[with Jörg Meibauer] (2002): "Einleitung." In: Meibauer, Jörg et al. (2002): Einführung in die germanistische Linguistik. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1-14.
[with Roland Pfau] (2002): "Rules vs. Constraints in Signed Reciprocals." In: Line Mikkelsen and Christopher Potts (eds.), WCCFL 21 Proceedings. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, 373-386.
(2002): "The Ambiguity of Weak Reflexive Pronouns in English and German." In: Jan-Wouter Zwart & Werner Abraham (eds.), Studies in Comparative Germanic Syntax. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 323-348.
[with Hans-Martin Gärtner] (2000): "What do Reduced Pronominals Reveal about the Syntax of Dutch and German?" In: Linguistics in Potsdam 9, 7-62.
(1999): Vier Lexikoneinträge für das Metzler Lexikon Sprachwissenschaft, 7th edition, herausgegeben von Helmut Glück. Stuttgart: Metzler.
(1999): "Reflexivity and Valency Reduction – Middle Constructions in German." In: Proceedings of the TLS 99 Conference on Argument Structure, Austin/Texas.
(1999): "Notes on Parenthetical Constructions." Arbeitspapiere des SFB 340, Nr. 144, Tübingen.
[with Hans-Martin Gärtner] (1997): "Anmerkungen zur Vorfeldphobie pronominaler Elemente." In: Franz-Josef d’Avis & Uli Lutz (eds.), Zur Satzstruktur im Deutschen, Arbeitspapiere des SFB 340, Nr. 90, Tübingen, 1-30.
[with Marie Christine Erb] (1997): "Middles: A View from German." In: ConSOLE-Proceedings, Leiden, 29-46.
[with Ralf Vogel] (1995): "On the (Absence of a) Base Position for Dative Objects in German." In: FAS Papers in Linguistics 4, Berlin, 99-131.
[with Hans-Martin Gärtner] (1994): "Economy, Verb Second, and the SVO-SOV Distinction." In: Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 53, 1-59.
[with Annika Herrmann] (2008): Review of Wendy Sandler and Diane Lillo-Martin: Sign Language and Linguistic Universals. In: Sign Language and Linguistics 11, 108-111.
(2008): Review of Joachim Jacobs: Spatien. Zum System der Getrennt- und Zusammenschreibung im heutigen Deutsch. In: Linguistische Berichte 214, 249-252.
(2006): Review of Richard P. Meier, Kearsy Cormier and David Quinto-Pozos: Modality and Structure in Signed and Spoken Languages. In: Linguistische Berichte 206, 221-228.
(2006): Review of Carol Neidle, Judy Kegl, Dawn MacLaughlin, Benjamin Bahan & Robert G. Lee: The Syntax of American Sign Language. Functional Categories and Hierarchical Structure. In: Lingua 116, 506-509.
[with Marie Ecarnot, Anne-Kathrin Heymann, Caroline Mannweiler and Jörg Meibauer] (2005): Review of Robyn Carston: Thoughts and Utterances. The Pragmatics of Explicit Communication. In: Linguistische Berichte 202, 251-256.
(2004): Review of Rolf Schulmeister and Heimo Reinitzer: Progress in Sign Language Research. In Honor of Siegmund Prillwitz/Fortschritte in der Gebärdensprachforschung. Festschrift für Siegmund Prillwitz. In: Sign Language and Linguistics 7, 85-89.
(2003): Review of Christa Dürscheid: Die verbalen Kasus des Deutschen. In: Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 22, 146-148.
[with Jörg Keller and Roland Pfau] (2002): Review of Sonja Erlenkamp: Syntaktische Kategorien und lexikalische Klassen. In: Sign Language and Linguistics 5, 247-253.
(2001): Review of Farrell Ackerman and Gert Webelhuth: A Theory of Predicates. In: Linguistische Berichte 185, 105-114.
(1998): Review of Uli Lutz and Jürgen Pafel: On Extraction and Extraposition in German. In: Linguistische Berichte 176, 601-609.
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